About the

Queenscliff Cruising Yacht Club

Queenscliff Cruising Yacht Club

Arriving by Road

Do you have visitors driving to the clubhouse? You must notify the Dept of Defence Security Gate (03 5254 9468) at least 24 hours prior to their arrival. 

Where can you find the Queenscliff Cruising Yacht Club

Queenscliff Cruising Yacht Club gives members and visitors access to a small piece of Paradise. Situated on a small bush-covered sand spit aptly named Sand Island and surrounded by coastal and marine parks QCYC offers a secure and peaceful hideaway in a quite unique coastal setting.

Queenscliff Cruising Yacht Club's island setting is located just inside the entrance to Port Phillip Bay and adjacent to the Swan Bay marine park.

Facilities at the Queenscliff Cruising Yacht Club

Facilities at the Club include an extensive wharf and refurbished clubhouse with the protected waters of the Swan Basin to the West and a Tom Sawyer-like sandy beach to the East.

The club actively encourages visiting yachts to make use of the extensive facilities available at the club for overnight stays, upon payment of the relevant wharfage fees.

Besides providing a haven for yachts up to 15m in length, the wharf, bushland and protected water give young and old the chance to undertake swimming, small boating activities of all kinds and the odd bit of nature gazing all in a highly secure area. Its BYO gear for these activities.

The clubhouse provides the full range of facilities for a self-catered holiday where members and their guests use their yachts for sleeping quarters and use the Club facilities for all else. So you will have to bring your own yacht to sleep in as there are no other sleeping quarters at the Club.

The clubhouse includes modern bathrooms, brand new stainless steel kitchen facilities, an extensive dining/meeting room and an upstairs reading room/bar and viewing decks.

Other Facilities

The Club also has a launching ramp and storage space for dinghies but trailable yachts/boats cannot be stored on the island.

Queenscliff the first 50 Years from 1963

Queenscliff Cruising Yacht Club 1963 - 2013