Becoming a Member

Membership Application

Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Queenscliff Cruising Yacht Club (QCYC).

Our unique Club was established over 50 years ago in a wonderful situation. It is run entirely by the members and your commitment will help to continue to sustain and develop the Club whilst giving you unlimited access to some tremendous facilities and like-minded people. Membership provides the benefit of priority berthing on the Club wharf. We hope that you will find QCYC friendly, economical and a great base for your cruising.

Applying to join is easy:

  1. Read the Membership Information Sheet

  2. Complete and submit the online Membership Application form

  3. Ask two current QCYC members to propose and second you (if you don't know anyone at QCYC, contact Membership Committee, who will be able to help). Each proposer must complete an online Proposer form.

  4. Complete the online Boat Register Application form if you wish to enter your boat on the Club Register of Boats.

Your application will then be put before the Committee. Once your application has been approved, you will receive an invoice for joining and membership fees (see table below). Once paid, you will be invited to an Orientation Day.

Joining fees are currently being waived for all categories of membership.


See the Calendar for
‘Open Day’ dates

Calendar Block
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