Step 1

Membership Application Information

Thank you for your interest in membership of Queenscliff Cruising Yacht Club (QCYC). This sheet provides information required prior to completing the membership application including the current scale of fees.

Our unique Club was established in 1963 in a wonderful location. It is run entirely by the members and your commitment will help to continue to sustain and develop the Club, whilst giving you unlimited access to some tremendous facilities and like-minded people. Membership provides the benefit of priority berthing on the Club wharf. We hope that you will find QCYC friendly, economical and a great base for your cruising. QCYC has some unique features that mean it operates slightly differently from other clubs. The Club is situated on land leased from the Department of Sustainability and Environment and administered by Parks Victoria. The area is environmentally sensitive and care must be taken at all times to preserve the habitat. Vehicular access is via Commonwealth Department of Defence land. There are therefore, some necessary requirements to meet DoD and Parks Victoria conditions and to make your stay comfortable and safe.

  • No pets are allowed.

  • Boats over 18 m LOA cannot be accommodated and boats over 15 m LOA require prior permission of the Committee.

  • No camping is allowed – boats must be able to accommodate their crews.

  • Instructions given by the Security Guards must be adhered to – there are very specific areas where vehicles can and cannot park.

  • Pedestrian traffic across the Commonwealth Department of Defence bridge and causeway is not allowed.

  • There is no vehicular access to the Club outside Checkpoint 1 hours.

  • The Club operates on a self-help basis.

Members and visitors are expected to clean up the kitchen and dining area after use and contribute to the daily cleaning of the Club.

The bar serves beer, wine, mixed drinks and soft drink cans (cash or credit card). Please use the bar if it is open. Please do not BYO alcohol when there are club functions or take BYO upstairs when the bar is open.

The Club has excellent commercial style kitchen facilities (gas stoves, gas ovens, gas BBQs, dishwasher, wood-fired oven, fridges, freezers, all cooking utensils and other kitchen equipment) and a wood heater for winter use. There is a good supply of crockery and cutlery for your use. There are male and female toilets including showers and disabled facilities.

Classes of Membership:

  • Senior membership is for one person over 18 years of age

  • Family membership gives all rights of senior members to two adult family members as well as junior membership for children under 18 in the family group. It allows for two votes at the AGM or any special general meeting.

  • Intermediate members (aged 18 to 29 years) have all rights of senior members except voting rights at the AGM and any special general meeting. If you are in this age range you have the option of being a senior member with voting rights.

Please contact the Honorary Secretary for details on Absentee and Concessional membership.

Member Joining Fees and Annual Subscriptions

Joining fees and annual subscriptions are set out at the bottom of this page. Joining fees are waived for those who have previously been members in the 5 years prior to re-application.

The QCYC Boat Register

If you are a boat owner, we also encourage you to apply to place your boat on the QCYC Register of Boats. This will allow you special rates for use of the Club’s wharf. Please complete the online boat application form to apply to put your boat on the register.

Please supply a current Insurance Certificate

Please note that if your boat is owned in partnership with persons other than your spouse or partner, it is a requirement of the Club’s Rules that all owners must be QCYC members.

If you had a boat on the register in the 5 years prior to re-application you will not be charged to join the boat register.

Commercially Registered Boats

If your boat is commercially registered you should discuss this with the Committee before applying to place it on the register or berthing at QCYC.

Unless there are special circumstances, only private use of the wharf by members with commercially registered vessels is permitted.

Limitations on Length and Draft of Vessels: If your boat is over 15m length overall (LOA) you will need prior permission from the Committee before using the wharf. We are unable to accommodate boats greater than 18m LOA.

Boats with draft up to 2.3m can be accommodated along the entire length of the wharf. Deeper draft vessels, up to 2.5 to 3m, may be able to berth along the southern end of the wharf under most conditions of tide.

Completing the Online Application Form

Please complete and submit the online membership application. Your application must be proposed by two QCYC members with full voting rights who know you and cannot be part of the same Family membership.

Your proposers must each complete and submit the Proposer form on the website,

If you own a boat, please complete the online boat application so that the Club has the details of your vessel, and indicate whether you wish to place your boat on the QCYC Boat Register.

Completion of the Membership Application Process

Completed application forms will be considered and approved by the General Committee as soon as possible after the receipt of the application.

You will be notified by email of acceptance as soon as this process is completed. Your invoice for payment of your membership subscription will then be sent

General Charges

(inclusive of GST)

Please note that there is a charge per crew, for all visitors and crew staying on board boats. $5 per person per night


• Boat on Club Register: $25 per night for up to 60 nights per annum.
After 60 nights per annum, with Committee approval , a maximum of period of 6 months in any financial year.

• Boat not on Club Register: $45 per night for up to 60 nights per annum.
After 60 nights per annum, with Committee approval a maximum of period of 6 months in any financial year.

• Non-Members: • $55 per boat per night.
Non-member vessels must not be left unattended overnight and their stay at the wharf is limited to 3 visits per year.

Group Visitors

Group visits by boats from other clubs arranged with and approved by QCYC:

$25 per night per boat. Additional Crew cost of $5.00 per crew per night ( if staying overnight)

Off-season wharfage:
• For members with boats on the register and with prior Committee approval: $10 per day (applies 1 May to 1 December).

Dinghy Storage and Causeway User Fees
• No charge to Members for one dinghy.
Additional dinghies will be charged at $50.00 per annum.
• Non-members who use the Club’s causeway and non-members wishing to store a dinghy on the Club’s lease are liable for a charge of $250.00 per annum.


The club issues invoices for annual subscriptions in July of each financial year. Rates shown below include GST.

  • Senior Membership
    Annual Subscription: $234.00
    Joining Fee: $150.00

  • Intermediate Member
    Intermediate membership is for those 18 to 29 years of age
    Annual Subscription: $77.00
    Joining Fee: $150.00

  • Junior Member
    Annual Subscription: Free
    Joining Fee: Free

  • Family Membership
    Family membership comprises 2 senior members +/- children under 18 years, OR 2 senior members from one partnership.
    Annual Subscription: $290.00
    Joining Fee: $150.00

  • Boat on Register
    Annual Subscription: $113.00

  • Boat Register for Intermediate Member
    Annual Subscription: $113.00

  • Absentee Member: $128.00 N/A (for existing members only) 
    Absentee membership applies for senior member’s resident interstate/overseas for a minimum period of 12 months and who have been members for at least 3 years. Concessional membership is available in special cases. 

New Membership, can purchase a key ($15) providing access to the club

A Club burgee ($40.00), is dependent on Committee acceptance. Note that joining fees are your contribution to the very considerable investment by existing members in the clubhouse and wharf.

For further information please contact the Secretary,

Thank you for your interest in our Club. We look forward to receiving your application.